The basic goal of a company is to remain competitive and ideally to increase its ability. This can be achieved via cost minimization, being customer-oriented and high standards. Waste, such as fuel idling, should be reduced, unnecessary process steps eliminated and processes optimized.
The optimization of your transport processes will enable competitiveness and increase growth.
You obtain an overview of all relevant topics in the first stage, including the current transport networks and structures, throughput and delivery times, process organization, and all associated expenses.
All structures, systems, data sets, locations, and partners that are significant to transportation should be presented on the table and improved during the analysis itself.
Participate everyone at your transportation business. The is the best way way to design processes that interact anytime, everywhere, and produce maximum performances.
Goals should not be set without thought - setting goals according to the SMART principle is which are specific, measurable, accepted by everyone involved, realistic and limited in time . For example, goals could be:
At the conclusion of this phase, your transport company should have a concept for an effective transport structure with defined optimal and target-oriented procedures and measures.
You might be wondering where to begin at this point.
We advise beginning with brainstorming, which involves gathering all prior experiences, potential methods and metrics, as well as suggestions for improvement.
The thoughts are then organized and grouped. Your staff should be included in the planning of the measures because who else possesses superior knowledge than those who regularly interact with the processes?
This will be very useful especially for those that have companies based in more than one location or has several IT systems, processes, documents and data processes. Through similar action and workflows everyone knows what to do and what results to expect. In this way, the workload and resources such as time, money and personnel can be saved.
When things are done manually this can reduce the success of your measures, leading to mistakes, costing time and money. Digital solutions can automate processes and support process optimization goals.
What are the advantages of process automation?